
Canada Welcomes Medical Tourists from Tibet

Medical tourism is a revolution to global medical practices. It enables world citizens to pick and choose which region of the world they solicit for medical services. The obvious benefit to this practice is that different countries and regions specialize in different medical services, so allowing people to travel to take advantage of foreign medical […]

Tibetans in Need of Medical Care

Tibetans have a distinct culture, heritage and history. As a region of China with a history of having to fight for autonomy, Tibet is known on the world stage as a region to watch out for and offer solidarity to. Its native culture is one of renowned Buddhist spirituality. With these cultural and historic distinctions […]

Traveling from Tibet to Canada for Medical Services

Tibet is unlike anywhere else in the world, medically speaking. The diseases that plague Tibet are relative to its unique location on the globe: in the mountains at an average height of 3,500 meters. The most widespread diseases are of a pulmonary nature because the altitude is hard on the lungs. Most of Tibet is […]